Experience science and its infrastructures virtually
The scientific mission of the Research Field Matter is to study the structure and properties of matter. Understanding complex interactions and processes is, for example, a basis for the development of new materials and drugs. Collaborative research is conducted using experimental and theoretical methods, through modeling and observations, through technological developments, and through measurements on and operation of large research infrastructures.
Research in the Research Field Matter is highly characterized by international cooperation between different research institutions and almost always takes place in large international collaborations. These collaborations and the international environment in our research facilities have an integrative effect on our society and can be seeds of far-reaching scientific and economic collaborations. Our research facilities and infrastructures are currently undergoing a transformation to sustainable operation, so that we assume our global responsibility with individual action as research institutions, but also as individual employees.
Various insights into the Research Field Matter
360° Science
Long-term basic research ensures numerous scientific breakthroughs, as well as technological and societal innovations, and only in this way targeted, short-term solutions to urgent, societal challenges can be found when needed. Our infrastructures serve to gain knowledge and further technological development, and they provide platforms for prototype developments.
Scientific data for experts and everybody
Participate in our research and engage yourself in research dialogues via publicly available research data and results.
Prepared data and analyses as well as software tools are available for your own studies, further use and application.
Bringing state-of-the-art research into schools
Strengthening STEM subjects contributes to the progress of society and in particular of the future generation. School and university education at a high, internationally competitive level can be enriched and experienced through current research content.
Helmholtz Challenges of the Research Field Matter
Discover more exciting challenges of our research with the Matter Challenges.